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The Feminist Cities CoLab is a space for creative working & thinking. As feminist researchers we are concerned with urban violence in its multiple forms, and we are working together with activists and artists to imagine cities differently. We are committed to building just, equitable and anti-oppressive worlds, for all women, men and gender non-conforming people.  


We are funded by The British Academy.

What we're reading right now...

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This month we're hosting Dr. Roxana Pessoa Cavalcanti at the University of Edinburgh. Together we'll be taking a look at the book Plural Feminisms: Navigating Resistance as Everyday Praxis, edited by Sohini Chatterjee and Po-Han Lee. We'll read Roxana's chapter "Anti-Carceral Feminism: Abolitionist Conversations on Gender-Based Violence" & have a full discussion. Everyone welcome! 

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